Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Q2: How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

 Character Similarities and Differences:

As a whole class we looked at 'Collateral' this film gave us some inspiration for our characters. I also looked at 'Halloween' in terms of more female similarities, this can be found on Q2: PART TWO blog.

Firstly, the females in our thriller are considered to be vulnerable. They all appear to look innocent and afraid likewise when we first meet the woman in 'Collateral' she is represented to be vulnerable, she is petite and has an innocent face. However, we later learn she gives as good as she gets this could be how we choose to switch our thriller, these females who are represented as being vulnerable could turn not to be vulnerable.

Collateral uses a male protagonist and so do we, this male is portrayed to have something suspicious about him just like our character. We can see in 'Collateral' that this man has something to hide, in our opening we created suspense by making our character appear to have something to hide.

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