Thriller is a genre that uses suspense, tension and excitement to attract the viewer. The main idea of a thriller is to hide the truth from the viewer, build suspense and then drop the bombshell. Having looked at various genres we found romantic, political, psychological, action and supernatural to be most popular.
As soon we all have to create thriller openings we need to choose what kind of thriller genre inspires us. For me when I think of a thriller I think of horror or action so I would like to create an open for that kind of sub-genre. Both horror and the supernatural, and action have inspired me because the most exiting part of a film is when something shocking happens, or when you jump; so on one hand, horror has influenced me to create a very natural and normal scene to relax the viewer and then all of a sudden give them a shock. On the other hand with action it has encouraged me to create something very fast paced and a sense that something is not quite right.
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