Thursday, 17 February 2011

Chain Mail: RESEARCH

So, the basis of our thriller is a chain mail which in future will actually come true. In our opening the main build of suspense comes from this chain mail, we researched many websites to find chain messages here are some sites below:

After researching for sometime we put together a number of chain messages to create our own unique message, which shows dramatic irony because our audience know this message is based upon an ex boyfriend making it clear that his ex girlfriends are being targeted, however these cynical girls ignore the message leaving our audience in suspense, below is our final message:

You are like a four leaf clover
Hard to find and lucky to have...
Send this to 15 people in 5 minutes.. or you will pay for what you did, yourcomputerphonelaptop or whatever device you received this message on will turn off, and dissappear from this world like you...

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